Monday, July 12, 2010

Show this Saturday! Come one, come all! Sales on certain pieces, too!

Hello all! This Saturday, from 12-5pm, there is an art show being put on by the Cleveland Craft Coalition. Little Lion Designs will be there, along with 20 other local artisans, selling their wares. The show is called the "True Colors: Exposed" show and is located at two Lakewood locations (right next to each other). LLD will be selling tons of artwork, some at discounted prices, at River Colors Studio (please click name to go to their website).
They are located here:
1387 Sloane Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
(216) 228-9276

The second location is Blackbird Baking CompanyBlackbird Baking Company, which is located here:
1391 Sloane Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
(216) 712-6599

Hope to see you there!
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