Wednesday, April 7, 2010

baby update

Hey all! We had our 21 week ultrasound yesterday. Everything initially looks good, but our baby is on the small side. They want to do a fetal echo on tuesday to rule out any heart defects being the cause of his/her small size. It could be that we are just making a small baby. It could be the stress I was under. It could be the baby's heart. It could be another defect. Or it could be an inuterine growth restriction. We are hoping and believing that it's just a small baby. After the fetal echo, we will have another u/s (in 4 weeks) to remeasure him/her to make sure the growth is on track. Please keep baby Urban in your prayers as we go through this testing. We want him/her to be big and strong and healthy. Here's some new pics :)

Look at that face! Great straight on pic! And cutie profile too!


  1. So beautiful....saying my prayers....

  2. Baby sure is cute! Gotta love all the pictures before they are even born. I am praying baby grows and the echo reveals nothing. All three of mine had IUGR and the boys are doing great with growing. Hope will probably always have growth issues, but I don't think the IUGR was a cause for is her heart. You are all in my prayers every day!

  3. OMG!!! That's SOOOO COOL!!

    I can totally see the babe!

    Will keep up the prayers for him/her :-)
